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From: Irish Political Review: Editorials
Date: June, 2018
By: Editorial

Northern Ireland: Governing Uncertainties

Globalist Moment Of Truth
Globalism is the global reach of the United States. It is Washington hegemony f the world. Free trade is a function of the dollar. That is how it has been since the present world began in 1945. And that is how it is today more than ever.
During Britain's second World War of the first half of the 20th century there was a substantial transfer of world power from Britain to Washington. It took Britain some time to admit the fact. It admitted it in 1956 when it tried to salvage part of its Middle East Empire by making war on "Nasserite fascism" in Egypt. Washington brought it to heel, without firing a shot, by threatening to wreck its economy by means of financial mechanisms—the means by which US hegemony is maintained over every country that buys into the free market.

Western Europe, reduced to ruins by Britain's second war on Germany that was won by Communist Russia, was restored to economic viability in the market system by American capital, and therefore America considers that it owns it.

About ten years ago some European leaders had a rush of blood to the head and they imagined the EU as a second World Power. Well, now the moment has come for the EU to show the world what it is made of. It was a party to the deal with Iran, under which Iran undertook to scale down its nuclear technology in return for the ending of sanctions against it and its admission to the trade of the Free World. It scaled down its nuclear sector, under international inspection, but the sanctions were reduced only to a minimal degree.
Washington has now had second thoughts about the whole deal and has called it off. The EU wants to continue it. But Washington has said that, if the EU continues to trade with Iran in breach of US rules, it will do to it what it threatened to do with Britain in 1956.

This assertion of the legitimacy of US power throughout the world is not a Trump innovation. It was Obama who asserted frankly that the US was "the exceptional nation", not subject to any general rules or laws, and that US sovereignty follows the dollar and any currencies derived from it—including Credit Cards.
Well, the part of Europe that was preserved from liberation by the Communist defeat of Nazism in 1945 was remade by the dollar. The economies that combined in the Common Market, that has since become the EU, were creations of the dollar. And this is their moment of truth. Will they stand by their deal with Iran and make the Euro an independent currency by daring Washington to break it? Will pigs fly?

Trump has also set aside the United Nations by implementing the consensus US position on Israel by transferring its Embassy from the territory allocated by the General Assembly for a Jewish State to the city of Jerusalem, which was excluded from the Jewish state. And, while the celebrations were going on in the new American Embassy, the Jewish State massacred Palestinians who were demonstrating near its border.

What will the EU do about this? If it does not do something in support of the United Nations position, the United Nations will be a sick joke.

In the 1930s De Valera had the courage to say that the League of Nations had become a delusion that fostered illusions in states and prevented them from making realistic calculations of interest that they might otherwise make. It was Britain that subverted the League by subordinating it to the Empire as an international body. It is the USA that has made rubbish of the UN—but it must be said that the Veto system built into it means that the UN was never intended to be functional as an authoritative international body.
(As a global institution the UN is a sham—but the Irish state has been hiding behind it. Isn't it time that, in an increasingly nationalist world, Ireland got a real army, supplied with basic equipment by a national arms industry?)

With regard to the massacre of the Palestinians: such things are to be expected o happen in the normal course of events in the situation established by Britain in the Middle East.
In its Great War—supported and recruited for by John Redmond's Home Rule Party—Britain adopted Zionism to be its Imperialist instrument in the Middle East. Zionism is Jewish nationalist colonialism which had the ambition of colonising Palestine, displacing its native inhabitants, and making it a Jewish State. It was getting nowhere until Britain adopted it as a war measure in 1917. In 1919 Britain gave itself a League of Nations Mandate to carry through the project, implicating other members of the League.
In the British view there were superior and inferior peoples in the world and it was not only the right of the superior peoples to deal briskly with the inferior peoples, it was a moral obligation. That was the standard British view—until well within living memory.

Jewish colonisation was built up under the the inter-War period, and Palestinians resistance was forcibly put down. But replacing one population with another is not such an easy thing, as the English experience in Ireland shows. And, even under the stimulus of the Jewish policy of Nazi Germany, and of much of Eastern Europe, there was still only a small Jewish minority in Palestine in 1945. The UN therefore decided to Partition Palestine and allocate part of it to be the Jewish state. And, even within that part, the Palestine population was only a bare minority, if a minority at all. A Jewish state of the kind intended by the Zionists would not have been possibly with such a large Palestinian minority, therefore the first act of the Jewish state was massive ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.

Influential British supporters of the Zionist project in 1917 had studied the history of Jewish States. Herbert Sidebotham of the Manchester Guardian (which was then the newspaper of the still powerful Liberal Party) saw that the precedent of Jewish States in the past did not augur well for the new Jewish State that Britain was going to establish. But he assured its readers that it would be a colonial instrument of the Empire and would be kept in order by Imperial authority.
But there's many a slip . . .
When the moment came, the Empire had been subverted by the reckless incompetence of its second war on Germany. It lost Singapore and Malaya because it made an enemy of Japan by supporting the American ultimatum to Japan in the hope of bringing America into the war in Europe. And it sold itself to the US, in order to be able to keep the war going after June 1940, though it could hardly be said to have been fighting it. Salvation of a kind came after June 1941 with the German invasion of Russia, but the unexpected Russian victory further depressed the Imperial spirit. So that, when the Jewish nationalist forces in Palestine launched an all-out terrorist campaign against the British administration, Britain surrendered. And the forebodings of the Zionist, Sidebotham, about how a Jewish State, left to its own devices, would behave were amply born out.

The justification of the establishment by force of a colonial Jewish state in Palestine as the establishment of a 'safe haven', in the event of a recurrence of an attempt by some Great Power to exterminate Jewry, is spurious. The "safe haven" is situated in the midst of a large hostile population which has been given ample reason to be hostile. Israel can be safe only if it has the means to destroy all its neighbouring states. And it has those mean, by grace of Europe and the USA.

The establishment of the Jewish State was supported by many as a means of ending the Diaspora. It has not ended the Diaspora. In fact, a continuation of the Diaspora is necessary to the maintenance of Israel. Jewry must continue to be a dispersed nation amongst the nationas in order that the minority of the nation in the Jewish State can be viable and can sustain its aggressive dominance over its neighbours.

It's no good appealing to the work-in-progress called Israel to be nice to the people it is oppressing. Israel must do what it has been doing in order to realise the destiny it has set itself. In that regard at least Netanyahu tells nothing but the truth. Administrative massacres are necessary to it. If the Palestinians do not agree to phase themselves out of existence, expansive Jewish nationalist colonialism must keep on doing what it does to them.

And what are the odds on the EU doing anything to stop it from doing so?

Globalist Moment Of Truth
Globalism is the global reach of the United States. It is Washington hegemony of the world. Free trade is a function of the dollar. That is how it has been since the present world began in 1945. And that is how it is today more than ever.
During Britain's second World War of the first half of the 20th century there was a substantial transfer of world power from Britain to Washington. It took Britain some time to admit the fact. It admitted it in 1956 when it tried to salvage part of its Middle East Empire by making war on "Nasserite fascism" in Egypt. Washington brought it to heel, without firing a shot, by threatening to wreck its economy by means of financial mechanisms—the means by which US hegemony is maintained over every country that buys into the free market.

Western Europe, reduced to ruins by Britain's second war on Germany that was won by Communist Russia, was restored to economic viability in the market system by American capital, and therefore America considers that it owns it.

About ten years ago some European leaders had a rush of blood to the head and they imagined the EU as a second World Power. Well, now the moment has come for the EU to show the world what it is made of. It was a party to the deal with Iran, under which Iran undertook to scale down its nuclear technology in return for the ending of sanctions against it and its admission to the trade of the Free World. It scaled down its nuclear sector, under international inspection, but the sanctions were reduced only to a minimal degree.
Washington has now had second thoughts about the whole deal and has called it off. The EU wants to continue it. But Washington has said that, if the EU continues to trade with Iran in breach of US rules, it will do to it what it threatened to do with Britain in 1956.

This assertion of the legitimacy of US power throughout the world is not a Trump innovation. It was Obama who asserted frankly that the US was "the exceptional nation", not subject to any general rules or laws, and that US sovereignty follows the dollar and any currencies derived from it—including Credit Cards.
Well, the part of Europe that was preserved from liberation by the Communist defeat of Nazism in 1945 was remade by the dollar. The economies that combined in the Common Market, that has since become the EU, were creations of the dollar. And this is their moment of truth. Will they stand by their deal with Iran and make the Euro an independent currency by daring Washington to break it? Will pigs fly?

Trump has also set aside the United Nations by implementing the consensus US position on Israel by transferring its Embassy from the territory allocated by the General Assembly for a Jewish State to the city of Jerusalem, which was excluded from the Jewish state. And, while the celebrations were going on in the new American Embassy, the Jewish State massacred Palestinians who were demonstrating near its border.

What will the EU do about this? If it does not do something in support of the United Nations position, the United Nations will be a sick joke.

In the 1930s De Valera had the courage to say that the League of Nations had become a delusion that fostered illusions in states and prevented them from making realistic calculations of interest that they might otherwise make. It was Britain that subverted the League by subordinating it to the Empire as an international body. It is the USA that has made rubbish of the UN—but it must be said that the Veto system built into it means that the UN was never intended to be functional as an authoritative international body.
(As a global institution the UN is a sham—but the Irish state has been hiding behind it. Isn't it time that, in an increasingly nationalist world, Ireland got a real army, supplied with basic equipment by a national arms industry?)

With regard to the massacre of the Palestinians: such things are to be expected o happen in the normal course of events in the situation established by Britain in the Middle East.
In its Great War—supported and recruited for by John Redmond's Home Rule Party—Britain adopted Zionism to be its Imperialist instrument in the Middle East. Zionism is Jewish nationalist colonialism which had the ambition of colonising Palestine, displacing its native inhabitants, and making it a Jewish State. It was getting nowhere until Britain adopted it as a war measure in 1917. In 1919 Britain gave itself a League of Nations Mandate to carry through the project, implicating other members of the League.
In the British view there were superior and inferior peoples in the world and it was not only the right of the superior peoples to deal briskly with the inferior peoples, it was a moral obligation. That was the standard British view—until well within living memory.

Jewish colonisation was built up under the the inter-War period, and Palestinians resistance was forcibly put down. But replacing one population with another is not such an easy thing, as the English experience in Ireland shows. And, even under the stimulus of the Jewish policy of Nazi Germany, and of much of Eastern Europe, there was still only a small Jewish minority in Palestine in 1945. The UN therefore decided to Partition Palestine and allocate part of it to be the Jewish state. And, even within that part, the Palestine population was only a bare minority, if a minority at all. A Jewish state of the kind intended by the Zionists would not have been possibly with such a large Palestinian minority, therefore the first act of the Jewish state was massive ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.

Influential British supporters of the Zionist project in 1917 had studied the history of Jewish States. Herbert Sidebotham of the Manchester Guardian (which was then the newspaper of the still powerful Liberal Party) saw that the precedent of Jewish States in the past did not augur well for the new Jewish State that Britain was going to establish. But he assured its readers that it would be a colonial instrument of the Empire and would be kept in order by Imperial authority.
But there's many a slip . . .
When the moment came, the Empire had been subverted by the reckless incompetence of its second war on Germany. It lost Singapore and Malaya because it made an enemy of Japan by supporting the American ultimatum to Japan in the hope of bringing America into the war in Europe. And it sold itself to the US, in order to be able to keep the war going after June 1940, though it could hardly be said to have been fighting it. Salvation of a kind came after June 1941 with the German invasion of Russia, but the unexpected Russian victory further depressed the Imperial spirit. So that, when the Jewish nationalist forces in Palestine launched an all-out terrorist campaign against the British administration, Britain surrendered. And the forebodings of the Zionist, Sidebotham, about how a Jewish State, left to its own devices, would behave were amply born out.

The justification of the establishment by force of a colonial Jewish state in Palestine as the establishment of a 'safe haven', in the event of a recurrence of an attempt by some Great Power to exterminate Jewry, is spurious. The "safe haven" is situated in the midst of a large hostile population which has been given ample reason to be hostile. Israel can be safe only if it has the means to destroy all its neighbouring states. And it has those mean, by grace of Europe and the USA.

The establishment of the Jewish State was supported by many as a means of ending the Diaspora. It has not ended the Diaspora. In fact, a continuation of the Diaspora is necessary to the maintenance of Israel. Jewry must continue to be a dispersed nation amongst the nationas in order that the minority of the nation in the Jewish State can be viable and can sustain its aggressive dominance over its neighbours.

It's no good appealing to the work-in-progress called Israel to be nice to the people it is oppressing. Israel must do what it has been doing in order to realise the destiny it has set itself. In that regard at least Netanyahu tells nothing but the truth. Administrative massacres are necessary to it. If the Palestinians do not agree to phase themselves out of existence, expansive Jewish nationalist colonialism must keep on doing what it does to them.

And what are the odds on the EU doing anything to stop it from doing so?

Globalist Moment Of Truth. Editorial
Northern Ireland: Governing Uncertainties. Editorial
Reflections On The EU Response To The Irish Crisis. Dave Alvey (Part 4 of Ireland, Brexit and the Future of the EU)
Readers' Letters: Significance of the Referendum Vote. Eamon Dyas
Making Progress. Editorial (Abortion Referendum)
The O'Connor Column (Protestants and the Referendum; Varadkar's Foreign Policy Revisionism; The Strange Man in the Elysee; Drang nach Osten; The New Anti-Semitism: a Calculated Israeli Own Goal; No Charlie Hebdo-Style Concerns about Free Speech…, It Seems)
A Sinn Fein Meeting In London. Wilson John Haire
A Soldier And A Gentleman. Donal Kennedy (Review of Jude Collins Martin McGuinness book)
Es Ahora. Julianne Herlihy (Clair Wills and her books)
The Trade Union Movement in Ireland and the Campaign to Repeal the Anti-Abortion Clause in the Constitution. Anne Speed
Abortion Referendum Result
Why Hurry? John Morgan
The Cambridge History Of Ireland. Jack Lane (Review)
The Irish Times And The Anti-Conscription Campaign. Manus O’Riordan (Part 2)
Manufactured Evidence. Paul Hyde
Academic Ailments Infect Easter Rising Pageant Paper. Tim O'Sullivan
The International Criminal Court And The Crime Of Aggression. David Morrison
The Russian Revolution. Brendan Clifford (Part 7)
The Spurious German Plot and an "ignorant and credulous people". Manus O’Riordan
Does It Stack Up? Michael Stack (The Motor Car)
The International Criminal Court And The Crime Of Aggression
David Morrison
Labour Comment: Address By Lord Mayor Of Dublin Mícheál Mac Donncha In Ramallah